Janta Darbar
Janta Darbar Solutions
One clik all solutions
There is no doubt that the leaders and leaders of the people are connected to the leaders of the people, and the connectivity of the leaders is not limited to the leaders of the people and the leaders of the state government. For the leaders of the public and the service of the public, only the people and the leaders,It is the people who will be able to connect with the leaders in a big way Softwares take the duration of their work in the labor market to avoid them. along with, The duration of work schedules by running in Kamacharam. All the recruits of all the recruits will be able to find out the status of their work, and also, the following will be available and will be available. It will give you a good deal of time. Only one person will have to give a chance to the people,I do not know how to do all of their responsibilities.
Why is the Janata Darbar special?
Complete Appointment Solution
o One Click Appointment
o One Click Appointment Cancel
o Reappointment
o Appointment and Reappointment Massage Alert
Complete Complaint Solution
o Open Complaint
o Complaint Entry –Note Complaint
o Open Complaint Date and time Auto Response
Message Alert
o One Click Complaint Solution
o And Complaint Closed
o Closed Complaint Date and time Auto
Response Message Alert
Invitation Details
o Note Invitation Date Open
o Note invitation Massage Alert
o Invitation Details Date Auto Alert Your Mobile
Number –
o Pending Invitation Details
Social Work Details
o Social work And Benefit details
o And Regularly touch to Beneficiary Your
MLA/MP/Leader Expense Management
All Expense Management Your Office
Election Campaigning***********Chargeable
o Real Time Advertise Van Tracking
o Area Tracking o GPS Enable Panel
o GPS Enable Panel
जनता दरबार के लाभ
इसके द्वारा आपके लोकसभा / विधान सभा क्षेत्र के वो सभी मतदाता जो आपसे मिलते हैं वो आप से अपनी समस्या का हल निकल बाते हैं. उनसे लगातार संपर्क बनाए रखने मे सक्षम है जो की आपके भविष्य मे होने वाले चुनाव में आपको लाभ प्रदान करे.
इसके द्वारा आपके लोकसभा / विधान सभा क्षेत्र के वो सभी मतदाता जो आपसे मिलते हैं वो आप से अपनी समस्या का हल निकल बाते हैं. उनसे लगातार संपर्क बनाए रखने मे सक्षम है जो की आपके भविष्य मे होने वाले चुनाव में आपको लाभ प्रदान करे.